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Louie's Third Birthday
Mamaw June 7, 2010
Oh, My Family Please Don't Cry...

Please don't cry

I'm not really gone

When you look out the window

I will be sitting on the lawn


Please don't cry

I will see you again

Don't be sad

Keep up your chin


Please don't cry

I am not really gone

When you cry yourself to sleep

I will be by your bed


Please don't cry

Just because we had to part

I am not gone forever

I will be a cool and gentle breeze

In hot summer weather


Please don't cry

Don't run and hide

When you need a shoulder to lean on

I will be by your side


Please don't cry

When you are sad

I will be there

To kiss you on the cheek


Please don't cry

This is not goodbye

As we will be together again

So please, oh please don't cry


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