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Life story
January 1, 2007

    When we found out we were going to have a baby, it was a huge surprise! We were so excited and looked forward to the experiences we would have. We threw ourselves into planning and dreaming. My husband Robbie took to the role of daddy right from the start. There were never really any feelings of fear or doubt. We just couldn't wait.

    We found out in January that our baby was a boy. Then the fun really began. We started shopping for clothes. (I love to shop, my husband, not so much)  My mom bought his first onesie which said "chick magnet" on the front.  Robbie's parents bought the nursery furniture and we decided on a pirate theme for his room. It was so cute when we were done!!!  It all came together perfectly.   

    My pregnancy was easy as pie, and everything went right as scheduled. We had fun poking at my belly and feeling him flip flop and kick. He liked to tell us good night by becoming really active as soon as I laid down. Robbie would put his hand on my belly and BAM, Louie was awake. We took him to a couple red's games right at the end and he must have been a fan because when they hit a homer and the fireworks started he couldn't sit still. So much fun!!!

May 14, 2007

Born in MIDDLETOWN on May 14, 2007.


    I woke up at 5:45 in the morning on Monday, two days before Louie's due date, and realized my water had broke. I didn't feel any contractions, so Robbie went to work. He planned on working for a little bit and coming to the hospital. Everything  was going fine, still no contractions. My Mom was nervous and sent my step-dad to get me. He got there and I'm rushing around, getting the bags together and getting more excited every minute. I still didn't feel ready yet, but knew I needed to go. So, on to the hospital!!!

    When I got to the hospital, they checked me in and got me in a room. About this time, people started showing up. My mom was there, and my Dad and step-mom. They hooked up the external monitor and TA DA, Louie's beautiful heartbeat. Still, I felt no contractions even though the monitor showed I was having pretty strong ones. I thought, huh, this is going to be a breeze...

    Everything changed when they tried to attach the internal monitors. The nurse tried once with no success and gave me a break before trying again. ( I had to potty) When she tried to put them in the second time, the pain it cuased was almost unbearable. The monitor started the alarm and I had just enough time before the room flooded with nurses to see that Louie's heartbeat had dropped to 40 beats per minute. I knew something was terribly wrong. They started rushing me to the C-Section room. As I got into the hall, I asked for my husband. He came around the corner, he had gotten there just in time, and I only had enough time to kiss him and tell him I loved him before going into surgery. He was trying to be strong, but I know him too well.

      The next thing I remember was waking up in recovery and asking for my baby and my husband. Robbie was there and he looked drained. I was still kind of groggy but I was ready to see my son. My family all came in and then finally, they roll in one of those little incubators and sit me up. And there right beside me is this perfect little guy. I stroked his hand and he opened his eyes and looked up at me. I will never forget the emotion and the love in that one small look. I could tell things weren't good, he was with the transport team, and it was time to go to Childrens Medical Center. All they could say was he will get worse before he gets better. I really thought so, too.  He will get better.  People get a happy ending.

May 15, 2007

Passed away on May 15, 2007.

    I found out that I'd had a uterine rapture. Louie lost his blood supply before they got him out, and he wasn't doing very well. I was doing good so Robbie decided to go and be with our son. I got a call around 9:30 that night. It was a doctor from Children's, Louie wasn't expected to make it. His blood was having trouble clotting and they had done some other tests and the results weren't great. I still felt that he would fight it and be okay. My doctor decided to send me by ambulance at 2:30 a.m. so I could see my son.  I'll be forever greatful for that extra time.

    I didn't really sleep that night, and in the morning they said if I could eat and walk a little that they would release me. Of course I had no problem with either, I was going to see my son.

    When I got to the NICU I went back to see Louie. He was still absolutely beautiful to me. We kissed his little hands and rubbed his little head. I talked to him and I cried. They were still trying to get his blood to clot. He was struggling and the brain scan didn't show any activity. Nor would it ever. He was still fighting hard but it was a lost cause. There wasn't anything we could do. As much as we loved and needed him, it wasn't going to help. His organs were shutting down.  I found out most of our family had been there for a while.  It was comforting to know that Louie had someone with him the whole time. All night Robbie had stayed beside him. Everyone took their turn and visited with him, and talked to him, and kissed him. He knew he was wanted and loved. 

    At about 5:00 p.m. Robbie and I were able to sit with him with no tubes and cords and tell our sweet baby boy goodbye. We weren't sure how much more time we would have with him so we held him and held eachother. We tried to tell him we loved him and would miss him as much as we could. And give him so, so many kisses! It seemed like it was fifteen minutes, like it wasn't enough time, but he took his last breath around 7:00 p.m. Two hours later. He had given us so much! He had fought so hard!

    I will always be proud of my little guy. I will take what was given to me and always cherish it. I could have had so much less.